Monday, August 25, 2008

moving to SQL compact

I've decided to scrap SQL 2008 express and move straight to SQL compact. I've been uncomfortble with using SQL express for a while, mostly because of how bulky it is (the install takes a while, and setting up a database server on the client machine, however little impact. Plus, I was also worried about issues with clients that might have already had a version of SQL express, if they had a different instance on and whether or not my prereq would recognize that. SQL compact seems to fix most of those issues. My main issue with SQL compact was the lack of stored procedures, but this site:
has made me more comfortable with that fact.

So far, I've found out these few issues with SQL compact that I've had to get around:

- no support for VarChar in SQL compact, all of my parameters need to be changed to nVarChar. Not a big deal.
- on, they tell me to use the Persist Security Info=False parameter in the connectionstring, but I kept gettings errors with that. Removing that parameter made the connection work fine.
- multiple queries in one command execution isn't supported. If i want to access the identity column of a row I just inserted, I have to use "select @@identity", using the same connection object that i used to make the insert. I've tried to do this however, and I keep getting a result back of dbnull . Not sure what is going on here.

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